My Humbling Story

Peri-menopause kicked my ass from ages 43-53. I spent years ignored and dismissed by medical professionals until a wrist fracture in 2022 finally led me to some providers who actually listened and offered solutions based on current medical science, not outdated medicine. Now DAILY I wonder why the fuck did no one give us a heads-up on this potentially DECADE-LONG shit show?! I’m happy to report I'm now thriving in my new normal but it’s seriously been an uphill battle…… while riding on a unicycle through a zombie apocalypse. For your viewing pleasure, I recently did a video of my full story you can watch HERE.

This year I completed training to become a Menopausal Advocate and Support Coach with the express purpose of being part of the solution to a huge problem in Women’s Health. This was about 30+ hours of study that covered understanding hormones, Menopausal Hormone Therapy (HRT), supplemental support, nutrition, bone/joint/cognitive health, sexual well-being, physical exercise in aging and the emotional and spiritual aspects of the transition. I participated in the program created and led by renounded author Sharon Blackie called Hagtude which focused on the spiritual and emotional aspects of Menopause Transition complimented by the Major Arcana. I’ve also read countless books, medical journals and studied archetypes in ancient elder goddesses and the cultural folklore of aging women.

While by no means do I know it all, it boggles the mind to think that I now have more training, education and resources than likely the vast majority of licensed OB/GYNs and GPs. This is because most of them receive less than TWO HOURS of training on Menopausal Medicine and nearly all of their education is around reproduction and cancer detection. Why? The answer lies in a long history of misogyny, shame and fear because you know…WOMEN’S HEALTH. Don’t even get me started on our cultural obsession with youth and how we’re only of value during our reproductive years. The good news is this is changing!

The most important thing to know is that each person's experience will be completely unique, is important and valid. Western medicine likes to put people, particularly women in a one size fits all box. This cannot be how women receive the help and support they need. The work I do now as a Menopause Midwife and Advocate is largely around finding and referring clients to well-trained, informed, licensed medical professionals and other healing practitioners. I help to educate, redefine and demystify aging by empowering women to be seen and heard while finding confidence and pleasure in living at any age. I help decipher medical jargon, offer solutions for personal care and support clients in processing the emotional and spiritual aspects of menopause.

The highest rate of suicide is in women ages 45 to 65. This is also the decade most people experience peri to post-menopause. Are we really to believe this is just a coincidence? So here’s a radical thought, if women are allowed to roll into Peri-menopause informed and supported NOT depleted and diminished, Menopause could be an AMAZING and empowering time of healing and transformation! I believe this is possible for our daughters and granddaughters but there is work to be done. PLEASE TALK TO THEM and prepare them so they’re not left to fend for themselves like the vast majority of us angry, feral GenXers have been.

Last year I started hosting free monthly discussions called Wisdom Circles to lift women's voices and normalize the conversation around Menopause. I created a private Facebook group called Wise Women Rising, an international group of badass women sharing information and resources. I launched my first of a series of workshops called Welcoming The Crone | Introducing Your Wise Woman Within and started teaching a fun, burlesque-inspired workout called, TEASERCISE! The Fitness Class with SASS! with Meno woman in mind. I produced a virtual event called "World Menopause Day Summit" that featured 7 esteemed presenters, sharing valuable information and community support. I’ve also begun working with a small group of clients one to one.

It may be a drop in the bucket but I see the needle of change move every day. I truly LOVE working with women and feel like it’s part of my greater purpose. As a punk rock, card-carrying Gen X woman, this feels like an act of rebellion and I'm ready to make some big changes around here.

Please feel free to message me if there’s any way I can help you or someone you know at ANY stage of their Menopause Transistion. TAWANDA!